Hi, I am Ayush, A Software developer and copy-pasta coder who loves double shot espresso and VScode. Know more about me at https://heyayush.live
When I started deploying my frontends and stactic sites on zeit, I've never looked back. Zeit offers fast and zero config deployments and is…
Introducing Sync Routine Framework Sync Routine framework is to create awareness of your well being and not to lose your sh t in the giant…
This blog is about experiences, knowledge and vibes I would love to share and keep in my memory archive. May you find a place in this blog…
This blog focuses on Challenges of most of the Students and not let them rule over and affect your daily routine 🚀..
I'm going to show you how to use Azure functions to build an Action for Google Assistant. This article is part of ServerlessSeptember . You…
qrfn : QR codes and Azure functions generate QR codes by just passing a text in Query Parameters. Photo by Mitya Ivanov on Unsplash In…